Co w duszy gra - #1: E X R O Y A L E

[The idea of this column came to me a few months ago. From the start of 2014 I've been realizing my idea. I asked artists/bands to send me 10 songs - their inspirations, recommendations or songs that stuck in their heads. I was very amazed by their reaction. On the blog I will show you artists more or less known. I want to introduce them to you, so listen to their playlists. Under every playlist I will add links to their profiles on the web. ]
W dzisiejszej odsłonie playlista przygotowana przez grupę E X R O Y A L E. Kilka miesięcy temu wydali debiutancki singiel "Give It Up", który szybko zdobył moją sympatię. To była mieszanka elektroniki, soulu i popu, podana w bardzo przyjemny sposób. Zresztą posłuchajcie sami:
Wczoraj ukazał się remix ich utworu przygotowany przez Ra Ra Riot. Możecie posłuchać go pod tym adresem.
A oto playlista przygotowania przez chłopaków z E X R O Y A L E:
Wczoraj ukazał się remix ich utworu przygotowany przez Ra Ra Riot. Możecie posłuchać go pod tym adresem.
A oto playlista przygotowania przez chłopaków z E X R O Y A L E:
1. Charlotte Gainsbourg - “Trick Pony”
Beck and Charlotte Gainsbourg are undeniably brilliant on Charlotte’s IRM record. “Trick Pony” is an inspiration.
3. Great Good Fine Ok - “You’re The One For Me”
4. Discovery - “Swing Tree”
Is there anything cooler than Ra Ra Riot’s Wes Miles and Vampire Weekend’s Rostam Batmanglij teaming up on their 2009 Discovery album?! “Swing Tree” was one of the highlights for us.
5. The Flaming Lips - “Try To Explain”
6. Dirty Projectors - “Offspring Are Blank”
7. Banks - “Brain (Prod. By Shlohmo)"
Our mega-crush on Banks continues on with the release of her latest track “Brain” (production by Shlohmo). We need more Banks, give it up!
8. Phantogram - “Fall In Love”
Really loving this new single from Phantogram, who drop their new album VOICES on February 18th, 2014. Can’t wait.
9. 13 & God - “Old Age”
The Notwist teamed up with indie hip-hop group Themselves to form 13 & God and created this indie-pop gem that we can’t get over. We could make an entire playlist devoted to The Notwist and Markus Acher’s genius.
10. SOHN - “Lessons”
SOHN, what can we say about him that hasn’t already been said?! The man makes beautiful music. “Lessons” is our favorite and it’s inspiring us in the studio.
Gdzie znaleźć E X R O Y A L E:
2. The Notwist - “Boneless”
The Notwist are without a doubt one of our favorite bands and “Boneless” is one of our favorite songs. It’s a beautiful, stark, and nostalgic meditation of indie-pop art.
3. Great Good Fine Ok - “You’re The One For Me”
GGFO greatly inspired EXROYALE with their debut single “You’re The One For Me.” The planet is a better place for their music and we can’t wait to get our ears on more.
4. Discovery - “Swing Tree”
Is there anything cooler than Ra Ra Riot’s Wes Miles and Vampire Weekend’s Rostam Batmanglij teaming up on their 2009 Discovery album?! “Swing Tree” was one of the highlights for us.
5. The Flaming Lips - “Try To Explain”
Our love of the Flaming Lips continues to grow into infinity. Their erie/subdued analog-synth-based album The Terror includes “Try To Explain,” a raw and helpless lament for a dying relationship.
6. Dirty Projectors - “Offspring Are Blank”
How do Dirty Projectors continue to out-do themselves?
7. Banks - “Brain (Prod. By Shlohmo)"
Our mega-crush on Banks continues on with the release of her latest track “Brain” (production by Shlohmo). We need more Banks, give it up!
8. Phantogram - “Fall In Love”
Really loving this new single from Phantogram, who drop their new album VOICES on February 18th, 2014. Can’t wait.
9. 13 & God - “Old Age”
The Notwist teamed up with indie hip-hop group Themselves to form 13 & God and created this indie-pop gem that we can’t get over. We could make an entire playlist devoted to The Notwist and Markus Acher’s genius.
10. SOHN - “Lessons”
SOHN, what can we say about him that hasn’t already been said?! The man makes beautiful music. “Lessons” is our favorite and it’s inspiring us in the studio.
Gdzie znaleźć E X R O Y A L E:
P.S. Na górnym pasku pojawiła się zakładka "Co w duszy gra". W przyszłości, gdy pojawią się nowe odsłony, będę starał się zamieniać filmiki w linki do YT, by zbytnio nie spowalniały komputera.
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A już teraz zapraszam Was do zaglądania na bloga za tydzień, gdyż pojawi się wokalista, który ma coś wspólnego z tym zespołem.
Mam tez pytanie odnośnie tłumaczeń. Czy są potrzebne?
A już teraz zapraszam Was do zaglądania na bloga za tydzień, gdyż pojawi się wokalista, który ma coś wspólnego z tym zespołem.
Co w duszy gra - #1: E X R O Y A L E
Reviewed by michal91d
