Co w duszy gra - #2: Paul Archer (Burning Codes)

Pochodzi z Północnej Irlandii, a na swoim koncie ma już dwa albumy. Nowy - "Hope is Our Lightning" ukaże się w tym roku. Współpracował z grupą Snow Patrol, a jego ostatni singiel powstał właśnie we współpracy z perkusistą tego zespołu. Jego brat Iain Archer jest znanym wokalistką, producentem (Jake Bugg), a także członkiem grupy Tired Pony.
Najnowszą propozycją od tego utalentowanego artysty jest utwór "She's the Only One for Me". Pięknie napisał o nim na swojej oficjalnej stronie: tutaj. Głównym przesłaniem utworu jest fraza: "Możesz zrobić wszystko, jeśli włączysz w to swój umysł" i do takiego myślenia również Was zachęcam.
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[The second chapter, the second artist, who agreeded to show you his playlist. Our guest today is Paul Archer - vocalist and the leader of Burning Codes. You could read about his latest single on my blog (here).
This Northern Irish artist released two albums. The new one - "Hope is Our Lightning" is coming this year. He worked with Snow Patrol and his new single was made in collaboration with Jonny Quinn (drummer in Snow Patrol). His brother Iain Archer is a singer, producer (Jake Bugg) and a member of Tired Pony.
The lastest track from this talented artist is "She's the Only One for Me". You can read some thoughts about this song on the official site of Burning Codes: here. The main thought is "You can do anything if you put your mind to it" and I want to encourage you to that thinking.]
1. My Bloody Valentine - Come In Alone
I remember countless times basking in the sonic emotion, beauty, noise and sheer awe of this song and the genius record it is from! I remember one particular day at home up in my bedroom when I was lying head between speakers and one of my parents came in exclaiming "Paul what are you doing? That sounds like a tape that is not playing at the right speed"! It was a wonderful moment and to this day this song gives me the most powerful and beautiful chills up my back! A sacred experience! Loveless remains one of my favourite albums of all time but I feel personally that this album is not only music it is something “other” also and it sounds new, as though it is my first time listening every time I listen?! A song I’d like played when I leave this earth.
I remember countless times basking in the sonic emotion, beauty, noise and sheer awe of this song and the genius record it is from! I remember one particular day at home up in my bedroom when I was lying head between speakers and one of my parents came in exclaiming "Paul what are you doing? That sounds like a tape that is not playing at the right speed"! It was a wonderful moment and to this day this song gives me the most powerful and beautiful chills up my back! A sacred experience! Loveless remains one of my favourite albums of all time but I feel personally that this album is not only music it is something “other” also and it sounds new, as though it is my first time listening every time I listen?! A song I’d like played when I leave this earth.
2. This Mortal Coil - Song to the Siren
I remember listening to this song when I lived with my family in Bangor Co.Down, N.Ireland in our front living room and feeling ecstatic and transported in those moments. Liz Frasers voice is profoundly beautiful and the melody and lyrics by Tim Buckley are so beautiful!
3. The Smiths - That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore
Poignant memories of a deep chord struck with Morrisey’s lyrics after the loss of my first love “I’ve seen this happen in other people’s lives and now it’s happening in mine”. Genius.
4. The Velvet Underground - Heroin
So magnificently “other”, dark, raw, visceral, disturbing, heartfelt, courageous and beautiful. Lou Reed’s incredible songwriting and powerful imagery here is utter genius and the feeling created by his delivery and the slow pounding building and building is very powerful when we think of the subject matter. Lou was unafraid and prepared to go where perhaps others would not go so readily and he had a profound ability to communicate the darker sides of this life we live and to do so in an emotive, erudite and deeply affecting manner. I remember listening over and over to this song in my first car when a friend gave it to me on a compilation tape. It blew my mind, I’d never heard anything like it and there began my obsession with the incredible Velvet Underground. RIP Lou and Sterling, fearless innovators! For me I feel my favourite band of all time.
5. Van Morrison - Into the Mystic
My abiding memories of this song are performing it with my wonderful brother Iain Archer (Ivor Novello winner, Jake Bugg/Tired Pony). Van’s music was so much a part of our growing up and our household
6. Van Morrison - St. Dominic’s preview
I had to include this song. It makes me think of my wonderful father when I hear it. My Dad actually used to play with Van in the early days in Hyndford Street in Belfast and we grew up with Van’s music. I remember hours in the front living room with my father’s vinyl and this song was one which I love so much as the vinyl crackled and Van’s soul filled Irish genius spoke in feeling.
7. NEU! - Fur Immer
I listened to this genius song each morning on repeat for weeks!! I instantly had a deep feeling of identification with NEU! The moment I heard them. I did not realize that years later Michael Rother would very kindly include my solo project Burning Codes song Cloak & Dagger in his Top Five songs he was listening to in February 2010 edition of Mojo! What a privilege and honour!
8. Sigur Rós - Glósoli
Sigur Rós’s music for me has a sense of the sacred, the euphoric, the “other”, so beautiful and uplifting and enigmatic with Jonsi’s incredible emotive falsetto, I am transported to being outside in the garden mowing, the sun shining, the sweat pouring, my heart leaping, feeling so alive and thankful.
9. Irish Traditional - She Moves Through The Fair
I heard this song and it went straight to my deepest heart. I still sing it sometimes at the open mics I go to. It always takes me back to potent memories of my first love. I adore the melody and I love singing/sharing it with others to this day.
10. Low - Be There
I remember the night I was first introduced to the incredible “Low” of Duluth, Minnesota by Mr. Gary Lightbody when he played me some of their live album One More Reason To Forget after we had played supporting Snow Patrol at The Highbury Garage, I was transfixed by the beauty, the chiming, ringing chords, melodies and harmonies and Be There was for me the stand out track!
W sieci:
A już za tydzień zespół, który w ubiegłym roku wystąpił w Polsce, a także pojawiał się w playlistach najlepszych polskich stacji radiowych.
W sieci:
A już za tydzień zespół, który w ubiegłym roku wystąpił w Polsce, a także pojawiał się w playlistach najlepszych polskich stacji radiowych.
Co w duszy gra - #2: Paul Archer (Burning Codes)
Reviewed by michal91d
