Co w duszy gra #5: Life in Film - wielkie post scriptum

Uwielbiam, gdy zespoły mnie zaskakują! Tak jest w przypadku Life in Film, którzy tydzień temu pojawili się w cyklu "Co w duszy gra". Wtedy utwory w imieniu zespołu przedstawił gitarzysta - Edward Ibbotson, ale kilka dni później, co było dla mnie pewną niespodzianką, pozostali członkowie zespołu dosłali pełną listę. Dzięki temu mam dla Was 11 nagrań!

Na początek jeszcze tylko krótkie przypomnienie, czyli ich najnowszy singiel:

Przeczytajcie, co na temat wybranych utworów mają do powiedzenia członkowie Life in Film:

Samuel Fry - wokal, gitara:

David Bowie - Candidate (Alternative Version) 

I've always been a massive fan of Bowie. This is a bonus track which is only on some versions of the Diamond Dogs album (there's a song called candidate which is part of the standard album but has nothing in common apart from the name). It's an incredibly slick track that rolls along like no other. When my brother first discovered it we would listen to in on repeat and dance around the room in a tbirds-esc fashion.

Radiohead - Idioteque

For a guitar band to produce such a progressive and refreshing song was a great example of how much scope there is for creativity and ingenuity within music. It's an inspiration for me to keep trying out new ideas. 

Dominic Sennett - gitara basowa

Oasis - Slide Away

For me when Definitely Maybe arrived completely changed the direction of my life in almost every aspect and my love of music officially arrived. To me Slide Away is a love song that always reminds me of this.

Al Green - Let's Stay Together

Any introduction I could give for this perfect song would not do it justice so I'll let it do the talking. I can't help myself but feel emotional every time I listen if it.

Ian Dury and The Blockheads - Reasons To Be Cheerful Part 3

A bit of a fun song here but with a very important message. Sometimes in life you can find yourself going through some hard times these can be for many different reasons and at many different degrees.
I find the important thing to do is at such times is to look around and actually find "reasons to be cheerful". You can find strength in many different places, friends, family or in the case of this song "Round or skinny bottoms!"

Micky Osment - perkusja:

Arcade Fire - Neighbourhood #3 (Power Out)

This drum beat has inspired a generation of indie drummers to try and come up with a better one. Or in the case of The Temper Trap on Sweet Disposition you could just copy and paste it.

The Veils - Leavers Dance

I have a very strong memory of the first time I heard this song. I was hanging out with Dom and Sam at the end of a night out when we first became friends. My other friends all listened to Metal so this was a transition for me that changed my taste in music almost instantly.

Bat For Lashes - Laura

Bit of a guilty pleasure. 

Edward Ibbotson - wokale, gitara

Petite Meller - Baby Love

The video to this is amazing and she (Petite Meller) is what you expect  her to be when you find out she is a) french. b) a philosophy student c) French. I can't really find anything out about her other than those two things. The song itself  just seems to build and build with a  piano riff splashed all over the place, and I think it also must be something about getting old, but anything with a saxophone solo these days makes me happy.

Chilly Gonazales - Armellodie

I had never heard of Chilly Gonzales until last week and in between listening to Petite Meller i have been listening to Chilly. He's tried his hand at different genres of music but he seems to be most comfortable behind a piano. He sounds a lot like Eric Satie and his album 'piano solo' is  probably one of the nicest albums I've heard. This song seems to play on a single melody  yet weaves in and out, building and falling, which makes you feel like your being taken somewhere else. It also has a sadness to it without it being depressing which is how it should be.

Van Morrison - Angeliou

Wherever I go, I know I've  always got Van with me, tucking the little irish fella into my breast pocket for safety, but a friend pulled me up on not having heard his late 70's album 'Into the Music'. I ended up getting a vinyl copy of it for christmas and felt ashamed that it had passed me by. The song Angeliou has everything I like in a Van song, the white soul, the slow build and break downs, the violins and Van getting all spiritual and Irish on us.

Co w duszy gra #5: Life in Film - wielkie post scriptum Co w duszy gra #5: Life in Film - wielkie post scriptum Reviewed by michal91d on 14.2.15 Rating: 5