Co w duszy gra #5: Life in Film

Trochę zaniedbałem ten cykl, ale od dzisiaj obiecuję poprawę. "Co w duszy gra" wraca w lekko zmienionej formule - będzie mniej utworów, ale mam nadzieję, że to zachęci Was do przesłuchania tych kilku muzycznych pocztówek.
W dzisiejszej odsłonie grupa Life in Film. Kilka lat temu trafili do mojego zestawienia Sound of 2012, a później, dość niespodziewanie, zniknęli z muzycznej sceny. 6 marca tego roku ukaże się ich debiutancki album "Here It Comes" i mogę Was zapewnić, że będzie pełny lekkich, gitarowych,  indie-rockowych piosenek. Pierwszym singlem z tego wydawnictwa jest utwór "Get Closer", którego możecie posłuchać poniżej:

Pora przejść do trójki utworów, którą wybrali dla Was panowie z Life in Film:

Petite Meller - Baby Love

The video to this is amazing and she (Petite Meller) is what you expect  her to be when you find out she is a) french. b) a philosophy student c) French. I can't really find anything out about her other than those two things. The song itself  just seems to build and build with a  piano riff splashed all over the place, and I think it also must be something about getting old, but anything with a saxophone solo these days makes me happy.

Chilly Gonazales - Armellodie

I had never heard of Chilly Gonzales until last week and in between listening to Petite Meller i have been listening to Chilly. He's tried his hand at different genres of music but he seems to be most comfortable behind a piano. He sounds a lot like Eric Satie and his album 'piano solo' is  probably one of the nicest albums I've heard. This song seems to play on a single melody  yet weaves in and out, building and falling, which makes you feel like your being taken somewhere else. It also has a sadness to it without it being depressing which is how it should be.

Van Morrison - Angeliou

Wherever I go, I know I've  always got Van with me, tucking the little irish fella into my breast pocket for safety, but a friend pulled me up on not having heard his late 70's album 'Into the Music'. I ended up getting a vinyl copy of it for christmas and felt ashamed that it had passed me by. The song Angeliou has everything I like in a Van song, the white soul, the slow build and break downs, the violins and Van getting all spiritual and Irish on us.

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Co w duszy gra #5: Life in Film Co w duszy gra #5: Life in Film Reviewed by michal91d on 7.2.15 Rating: 5